Specializing in Energy Efficiency Rebate Work

Upgrading Your Insulation

Increase the comfort and value of your home by having Synergy Efficiency improve your home's air sealing and insulation.

Icicles may be pretty, but when they stem from ice dams, it can indicate structural damage and other costly problems for your home. All it takes for these harmful ridges of ice to build up on roof is one or two inches of snow accumulation coupled with temperatures fluctuating above and below freezing.

Ice dams take shape when heat from inside the house travels though the attic, warms the roof, and melts the snow outside. The melting snow runs down the roof until it reaches the cold roof edge where it refreezes. Ice dams can then force water to back up under the shingles and into the ceiling or walls of the house. If left untreated, this can lead to warped windows, buckling floors, and collapsing drywall or plaster.

Properly insulating and air sealing your home is one of the most important yet basic steps you can take to achieve year-round comfort while lowering your energy costs. Most older homes, and even newer homes, can benefit from additional insulation in the attic, exterior walls, overhangs, sill boxes, or the foundation.

Evaluating Your Home

To determine whether you should add insulation, you first need to find out how much you already have. Call Synergy Efficiency today to have one of our consultants evaluate your home!

Our Synergy Efficiency consultants will assess your home using special diagnostic tools and modeling software, and make recommendations specific to your needs. As part of the home evaluation, your Synergy Efficiency consultant will also check for mold, mildew, water leaks, roof damage, and rodents. Your Synergy Efficiency consultant will share his findings and recommend the best course of action customized to your home's efficiency needs.

How It Works

Our BPI certified technicians will install the appropriate amount of Certain-Teed Insul safe SP blowing fiberglass, a top-of-the-line, non-abrasive, attic insulation. It is one of the few insulation products that retains its R-value after installation. It is also a non-allergenic, non-particle based fiberglass with no added chemicals.

When work is completed, technicians will ask you to approve the completed work before closing the attic entrance. Technicians will finish up all rebate paperwork and leave an Insulation certificate stating home is up to current building codes and at a 5 star energy level.